Dr. Reide Corbett

Executive Director, Coastal Studies Institute
Dean, Integrated Coastal Programs, ECU
Room No. 340
850 NC 345, Wanchese, NC 27981
Phone: 252-475-5428
Reide Corbett was born and raised in coastal North Carolina. After receiving his Ph.D. in oceanography from Florida State University and spending a short time at Tulane University in New Orleans, he returned to North Carolina to join the faculty at ECU. He is now the Dean of Integrated Coastal Programs, the executive director of the Coastal Studies Institute, and a professor in the Department of Coastal Studies at ECU. Corbett is a coastal oceanographer and geochemist with an overall scientific interest in the geochemical and geomorphic dynamics of coastal and open ocean environments. Much of his research during the last two decades has focused on the delivery of constituents by submarine groundwater discharge and sediment dynamics across the continental margin. Corbett’s research has broadened through the years to include coastal change and geomorphic evolution across telescoping timescales.
1999: Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography (Geochemistry); Florida State University
1996: M.S. in Chemical Oceanography (Geochemistry); Florida State University
1994: B.S. in Chemistry; Florida State University
Research Interests
My overall scientific interest is to better understand the cycling of biologically active constituents (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) in coastal and open ocean environments. In addition, I am interested in the role humans and nature play in shaping the coastal zone. Specific areas of my on-going research include those focused on: Sedimentary and geochemical processes in coastal environments Naturally-occurring radionuclides as tools for quantifying rates of sedimentary and biogeochemical processes Investigations of the discharge of groundwater into the coastal zone Deposition, remineralization and burial of carbon and nutrients in coastal margins Coastal Hazards.
Selected Publications
Corbett, D.R., J.P. Walsh, P. Santschi. Radioactive Nuclides. In Chemical Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico. Eds. T. Bianchi and H. Bustos-Serrano. Texas A&M University Press. In press.
Conery, I., J.P. Walsh, D.R. Corbett, 2018. Hurricane Overwash and Decadal-Scale Evolution of a Narrowing Barrier Island, Ocracoke Island, NC. Estuaries and Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-018-0374-y.
Eulie, D. Corbett, D.R., J.P. Walsh, 2018. Shoreline erosion and decadal sediment accumulation in the Tar-Pamlico Estuary, North Carolina, USA: A source-to-sink analysis. Estuarine, Coasts, and Shelf Sciences. 202, 246-258.
Corbett, D.R., J.P. Walsh, Y. Zhao, 2017. Impacts of Land-Use Change on Sedimentation in Tidal Creeks of North Carolina. Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences. 5(1) 1-25. DOI: 10.15640/jges.v5n1a1.
Corbett, D.R., J. Crenshaw, K. Null, R.N. Peterson, L.E. Peterson, W.R. Lyons, 2017. Nearshore Mixing and Nutrient Delivery along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Sciences. 1-13. DOI:10.1017/S095410201700013X.
Paris, P., J.P. Walsh, D.R. Corbett, 2016. Where the Continent Ends. Geophysical Research Letters. 43, 12208-12216. doi:10.1002/2016GL071130.
Eulie, D., J.P. Walsh, D.R. Corbett, R.P. Mulligan, 2017. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Estuarine Shoreline Change in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Carolina, USA. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-016-0143-8.
Tichenor, H.R., S.J. Culver, D.R. Corbett, J.P. Walsh, M.A. Buzas, 2016. Does the PEB Index Respond only to Hypoxia In the Mississippi Delta, Gulf of Mexico? Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 46(1) 48-60.
García-Artola, A.; A. Cearreta; E. Leorri; M.J. Irabien; J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza; D.R. Corbett, 2016. Agricultural fingerprints in saltmarsh sediments and adaptation to sea-level in the eastern Cantabrian coast (N. Spain). Estuarine, Continental Shelf Science, 171, 66-76.
Kuehl, S.A., C.R. Alexander, N.E. Blair, C.K. Harris, K.M. Marsaglia, A.S. Ogston, A.R. Orpin, J.J. Roering, A. Bever, E.L. Bilderback, L. Carter, C. Cerovski-Darriau, L.B. Childress, D.R. Corbett, R. Hale, E.L. Leithold, N. Litchfield, J.M. Moriarty, M.J. Page, L.E.R. Pierce, P. Upton, J.P. Walsh, 2015. A Source to Sink Perspective of the Waipaoa River Margin. Earth-Science Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.10.001.